Now Listening To Monetized Music
By Nero Dubb


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Nero Dubb


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Godzilla Lryics

Im a beast like Godzilla Making tracks getting bigger Spending my cash hill figure You think im small but ima biga Looking at her fine wine think I diga She looking real good think I pick a She post that link I think I clicka She got the magic she wicca Got all my dogs we sicca Kick flip I switcha Blaire call me that witcha Rolling up on my table Dont be breaking them down those swishas Messing my table they need no permita a Im a beast like Godzilla Making tracks getting bigger Spending my cash hill figure On on her backside watch me hita Write my book did this long time not a begina Stack those trophies they see im a winna Casting my riddles they think im enigma She so sexy her eyse im a licka Melissa She wants my toy no pricilla She kiss onto me Clarissa We swing like gorilla Im a beast like Godzilla Making tracks getting bigger Spending my cash hill figure Im a bestia sicut Godzilla Questus maior vestigia faciens Consumptis nummis figure collis Putas im parva sed ima biga Vinum denique eius aspiciens puto me diga Illa respiciens verum bonum puto colligunt a Illa stipes quae nexum meum puto me clicka Et surrexit magicae ipsa wicca Surrexit omnes canes meos sicca Calcitrare flip me switcha Blaire me venefica Volubilem in mea mensa Noli solvere illos swishas Meam mensam officere non indigent permita a Im a bestia sicut Godzilla Questus maior vestigia faciens Consumptis nummis figure collis De foris custodibus me hita Scribere librum meum hoc diu non incipit Stack illa tropaea vident im a winna Aenigma meum iacientes putant im aenigma Illa tam pudici eyse im a licka Melissa Illa mea toy non vult Osculatur in me Clarissa Sicut muta sumus validam Im a bestia sicut Godzilla Questus maior vestigia faciens Consumptis nummis figure collis