"Music should pay you, not the other way around."
Nero Dubb
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Looking at her body im holding on her waist Touching on your body know I want a taste Want you like a twin can I copy paste Want you n the inside can I have you in haste She a dotted line all you gotta do is trace Jotting on my tracks my last one got erased See they cant hold me down that brain be unreplaced I do all of it guess im monospaced All up on her neck guess i am bluefaced See im taking off interspaced Blacklisting all my pages see im overraced She knows this be murder with out a trace See she signed up into myspace She hold my hand beside fireplace She wont let go see we hyperspaced She check my root that be computerbased Hatred look at me sourfaced Cant stop my mutation radioactive waste She cook in the kitchen flour paste Mandy look at me grimfaced Type into her im key based At the center she stoned faced She cant rise up broadly based Rub her cheak that smooth face All my words be single spaced Many egos solely based This is chess strategically placed Lock me up strip to waist Self taught university based
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